Monday, May 31, 2010

Number Six: A post caused by procrastination

So, there are a lot of things that I would be better off doing right now, but I haven't written a post for a while, so that's what I'm gonna do.

I just had a short discussion with my dad. It started off just as one about streaming movies 'illegally', but we eventually got into ethics territory. I'd previously talked to my two brothers about this and was very open to learning their views on it. They made good arguments on the basis of free information, but something still nagged me after that. Until today, I hadn't even realized what it was.

Now, I don't know if I'm very good at expressing what I think. At least not verbally, but probably not through writing either. I'll try anyway. I'm gonna start with the analogy of a lie. When someone lies, there is usually premeditation, and often times, in that meditation, people find a way to justify it. Like if you don't want your parents to know that your sick because you want to go to the movies, you can justify the lie by telling yourself that not letting them know that your sick will save them the concern. You can honestly believe that too, but that doesn't make telling the lie right.

In quite a similar way, watching an instant streaming movie needs self convincing. I know this because each person I've talked to about it has had their story straight about it. This brings me to the conclusion that they too had that moment where they thought, 'Now, is this right?' and a couple minutes later they told themselves, 'Yes, it's just information, and if I like it, I'll pay for it later.'

We've all seen the FBI warnings on videos, and those interesting little clips saying how watching pirated videos is stealing, but does that apply to movies without substance? My dad used the example of the speed limit to help further his opinion. Just like it is technically illegal for people to drive above the speed limit, it often isn't even a question (accept in instances like school zones, ect.) that you can drive over it. He says that this is alright, because it is more of a question of ethics than morals, but doesn't the bible (my source for moral values) say that we should follow what the government tells us to do? With that in mind, it is ethically and morally wrong to drive above the speed limit. Going with the flow doesn't make something right. It's like the old saying, if all your friends jumped off a bridge, would you jump too?

I digress, however. I think I've written as much of my opinion as I can without repeating myself. All I have left is to say is that thinking about how something that was wrong is right is definitely not the same as thinking about how something that was right is actually wrong. I say this because my dad pointed out how my idea of how thinking about something makes it wrong doesn't work, because if people hadn't breaken out of the flow of culture, we would never have accomplished black freedom or woman's rights. This isn't the same however.

But look at this all more critically and decide for yourself. Hope that made some kind of sense. =P

Monday, May 10, 2010

Stream of Consciousness When Ill and Tired

So I'm sick and sleepy, but I've got too much on my mind to sleep just yet. This post is mostly for my own well being, but also for you--if you can extract some amount of entertainment from it.

My toes always seem to be cold. Not like they feel cold, but they are cold to the touch. I wonder if it's because I am malnourished in some way. Storm--my brother, says that drinking loads of water is good for you. Most of the people in American are dehydrated, which I think is weird because we have nearly constant fresh water resources. I don't like drinking water when I'm sick though because it hurts my throat. Watermelon has got to be the best food to have when you're sick though. It's refreshing, smooth and... stuff. Eggs are good too. Fluffy scrambled eggs.

It's all dark in the room and I can't find the tissue box. I need my tissues.

Sometimes on digital clocks you can't tell what time it is. That really bothers me. I can't see if somethings a 6 or a 5, but I guess it wouldn't be a 6 if it's the the second digit of the minute part. How do people describe digital clocks? We need labels for the different parts. I'd say the hour and minute hands, but they're digital, so that doesn't really work.

The light reminds me of the kinds of lights you have in nightmares. You know, when you turn a light on in a creepy dark room and expect it to light it up and show you everything's okay but it doesn't, Instead, it shows you the ouline of the lamp and the idea of light just hitting the shadows and bouncing off. It's terrible. I have lots of different dreams. I remember them usually. It's more interesting to tell people about your dreams than to listen to the kinds of dreams people have. Sometimes I don't know if I can believe the kinds of dreams people have because they are just so cool. But then again, I have dreams about pretty amazing stuff too. I used to keep a dream map/journal/thing. It was really handy for recording dreams and I could use the stuff from them in stories I wrote. It was fun. I stopped using it after I lost it though.

People are afraid of rats a lot, but to be honest, rats are really cute. I'm not just saying that because I want to be cool and different, but seriously, how can you not love a fuzzy little animal that can actually die of loneliness? Yes, rats can die of loneliness. Ain't that the sweetest thing? If they don't have another rat--or person, to hang out with regularly, they develop tumors and die.

I really like that song from CSI. It goes like: out here in the field... but that's all I remember. I'm too lazy to look it up or anything though.

I'm finally getting tired. My nose is driving me crazy. It's stuffy and runny at the same time. Why can't it just be one or the other? At least I've got some nice puff tissues. A noes in need deserves puffs indeed. Yep. Oh wait, I'm using the off-brand stuff right now... oh well. Better than toilet paper. I'm not going downstairs for tissues or medicine. I'm too lazy. That reminds me of Fazzy. My oldest brother. I don't seem him enough. Before I start working this summer I've got to visit him in Bristol again. Even though I was dying, it was really cool seeing where he lived and his friends and stuff. I could tell you a lot about it but my fingers can't type fast enough. I went to Eastern State Penitentiary with my Mum on mother's day. Isn't that awesome? Raise your hand if you've got a mom who wants to go to a prison for mother's day. Yeah, I thought not.

Well, I think I've jibed enough. Now I'm going to lose consciousness. G'night.